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Событие, потрясшее мир криптовалют: ограбление силой оружия, чтобы украсть средства.

Событие, потрясшее мир криптовалют: ограбление силой оружия, чтобы украсть средства.

09.09.2024 10:11

Глава криптовалютной исследовательской и образовательной платформы Revelo Intel Ник Дракон объявил, что был подвергнут нападению вооруженной группы, которая вынудила его перевести средства компании. После происшествия Дракон подал в отставку и отметил, что злоумышленники нацелились на криптовалютные активы и получили доступ к корпоративным счетам. Это шокирующее событие снова подняло вопросы безопасности в мире криптовалют.

Revelo Intel, which operates in the field of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency research, faced an unprecedented crisis without breaking its current HTML. In his statement, the company's CEO Nick Drakon announced that he was robbed by an armed group and forced to transfer company funds. Drakon's statements, who resigned from his position after this incident, ignited security discussions in the crypto sector and once again highlighted the importance of physical security measures.

The Robbery Sector Targeting Crypto Assets Shook

Nick Drakon used the expression "I was recently targeted, followed, and robbed by a group" in his statement on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter). Drakon stated that the attackers were particularly interested in his crypto assets and knew the account addresses of the crypto businesses he managed.

During the incident, Drakon was forced to log into many crypto accounts and transfer funds at gunpoint. The thieves stole not only Drakon's personal funds but also Revelo's operating capital, accumulated earnings, and the funds of Revelo Ventures, the company's investment arm. This situation seriously affected the company's financial stability.

Drakon stated that the attackers not only settled for company assets but also threatened his wife and 8-month-old son. This statement reveals that the incident is not only a financial crime but also a serious threat that endangers personal security.

Drakon claimed that there is evidence that some people in Revelo Ventures may be connected to the robbery. He refrained from sharing details in order not to hinder the ongoing investigation and to avoid further endangering his family. This situation brought up the possibility of insider information leakage or assistance.

Following this extraordinary development, changes were made in the management team of Revelo Intel. Vu Benson, the former COO of the company, was appointed as the new CEO. It is expected that the company will overcome this challenging period and regain trust under Benson's leadership.

Drakon admitted that he made "serious mistakes" that made him a target after the incident and apologized to the Revelo Ventures members who lost money due to the robbery. He announced that he waived his shares in Revelo in order to repay a portion of the lost funds and that 30% of the company's profit would be transferred to the affected members.

This incident brought security concerns back to the agenda in the crypto world. Jameson Lopp pointed out that such criminals usually identify potential victims through social media posts, meetings, and conferences. Lopp emphasized the need to avoid face-to-face crypto transactions with untrusted individuals, showing off wealth on social media, and wearing crypto-branded clothing.

With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, such security risks are also on the rise. The Revelo Intel incident once again highlighted the importance of not only the security of digital assets but also the physical security of those who manage these assets.

Industry experts emphasize that crypto companies and investors should invest not only in digital security measures but also in physical security protocols. This incident shows the need to reevaluate security standards in the crypto ecosystem and take more comprehensive measures.

This shocking incident at Revelo Intel reignited security discussions in the crypto world. It is crucial to address both digital and physical security measures and prevent such incidents for the future of the sector. Minimizing these security risks is of critical importance for the healthy growth and development of the crypto ecosystem.

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