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Крупнейший туроператор Германии FTI объявил о банкротстве.

Крупнейший туроператор Германии FTI объявил о банкротстве.

03.06.2024 17:51

Крупнейший туроператор Германии FTI объявил о подаче заявления о банкротстве. Отмечается, что операции компании с Турцией и Египтом будут затронуты, и подчеркивается необходимость действий туристических агентств в сотрудничестве с представителями отрасли.

FTI, one of Germany's largest tour operators, has announced that it has filed for bankruptcy.

The company's top management and German authorities had been in talks all weekend about the partial cancellation of the company's debts, but no agreement was reached. Tourism professionals evaluating the impact of FTI's bankruptcy on the country emphasized that it would not be easy to fill the company's place, as it had major operations with Turkey and Egypt. They stated that sector representatives should act together for the company to survive.

In a statement by FTI, it was stated that bankruptcy applications were made to the Munich Local Court as of June 3 for all companies except Sonnenklar TV and TVG, which are not under the umbrella of FTI Touristik GmbH.


Hamit Kuk, who mentioned that FTI, which sent many tourists to hotels in Turkey and had collaborations, had been in a serious financial crisis for a long time, said, "We knew that it was one of the top 4 operators in Germany and had been in a serious financial crisis in previous processes. Therefore, we are sorry because FTI was a type of operator specializing in Turkey. It was the fourth largest tour operator in Germany, sending passengers mainly to Turkey and Egypt. From this perspective, as Turkish tourism professionals, I am sorry, of course, there will be other problems in the long run due to this issue. Because there are debts to the hotels in Antalya or the Aegean region in addition to these debts to other suppliers. Not only these debts are a problem, but also a gap will arise due to being a specialist in Turkey. Our experiences so far have always shown us that when tour operators sending passengers to Turkey from abroad go bankrupt, their vacancies cannot be filled immediately, it takes at least five to ten years of effort. Therefore, the bankruptcy of FTI has two types of damage, one is the debts to the supplier companies here, and the other is that this company is a company that sends more than 1 million passengers to Turkey. It will not be easy to bring 1 million passengers back to Turkey through other companies in the coming years."


Hakan Saatçioğlu, President of the Professional Hotel Managers Association (POYD), stated that the crisis experienced by FTI was discussed at the tourism fair ITB Berlin they attended last March. Saatçioğlu pointed out that FTI is a very important tour operator for Turkey and stated that it would be the right approach to handle the issue calmly.

Saatçioğlu said, "Problems with FTI have been talked about for a long time, and the uncertainty of FTI's financial situation was one of the main topics at the ITB Fair. It is very important for tourism professionals to approach the issue rationally and calmly regarding FTI and Meeting Point, which are very important tour operators for Turkey. No matter how much debt they have to hotels, they need to handle the issue rationally. As hoteliers, I think it is important for us to act together with sector representatives for FTI and Meeting Point to survive. Currently, 1 million reservations have been made through FTI worldwide. It is very important for us to act smartly without panicking about FTI and Meeting Point guests who are currently staying in our hotels and those who will come in the future. It is important for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and AKTOB to determine how we will proceed with future reservations. We should learn from what we experienced in the negative process we experienced with Thomas Cook before. We do not know how the Carters group, which has acquired FTI, will approach the issue, and how the German government will officially proceed. We can see the possibility of appointing a trustee to FTI as a positive approach."

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